Looking for a Medicare Supplement Plan?

Let's find the right one for you.

Medicare Supplement Plans

Discover Medicare Supplement from Providence

Get the care you need with the freedom of choice you want with fewer financial surprises. 

Original Medicare Parts A and B take care of the basics but sometimes you need more. With a Providence Medicare Supplement plan (also known as Medigap), you can choose any Medicare-accepting provider and reduce your out-of-pocket costs, whether it’s with your family doctor or specialty clinics nationwide.

Medicare supplement insurance can help cover some expenses not paid by Medicare Parts A and B alone. Our plans are designed to help with some of the out-of-pocket costs associated with Medicare, like deductibles, co-insurance, and copayments, making your costs more predictable and more affordable. Add in the household discount of up to 20% for living with a family member or other adults (no more than 3), and it really makes a difference. Plus you are guaranteed coverage for life.

Experience the Providence difference

As a healthcare provider, Providence has been working to improve the standard of care for the local community for more than 160 years. Providence Medicare Supplement members have access to any hospital or doctor that accepts Medicare patients — locally or nationwide — with no referrals needed. Speaking of travel, depending on which Supplement plan you choose, you can get extended coverage for overseas trips. As a Providence Medicare Supplement member, you can also take advantage of our 24/7 nurse hotline, discounts on hearing aids and a no-cost gym membership from a national network of fitness locations.

We can make understanding your options easier.

Download our Medicare Supplement brochure for essential information on Medicare, the enrollment options available to you, and what to do next. Just enter your information to download.

Understanding your options is important. We've got you covered with the tools you need to make your decision.

Enrollment information
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Online webinars
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Have questions? We've got answers.

Learn about your Medicare Supplement options and get answers from a Providence Medicare Supplement Plans representative at 1-866-365-4324 (TTY: 711)

Get in touch

What are the key benefits of choosing a Medicare Supplement plan?

  1. Choice

    Choose any hospital, doctor, or specialist that accepts Medicare without network restrictions.

  2. Peace of mind

    As long as you pay your plan premiums on time, you are guaranteed coverage for life.

  3. Reduced costs

    Designed to help with out-of-pocket expenses associated with Medicare, like deductibles and copayments.

  4. Freedom

    Coverage goes with you when you travel anywhere in the U.S. and can help you with foreign travel emergencies.

Our plans are designed to contribute to your health and well-being


Access to care 24/7. Speak with a registered nurse anytime, any day. An easy first step when you have symptoms and you want to know if you need face-to-face care. ProvRN is free for Providence Medicare Supplement members.

TruHearing discounts*

Save on hearing aids and hearing exams with our trusted partner TruHearing.

One Pass™*

Finding a fitness routine that meets your needs just got easier with your new, no-cost fitness program through One Pass. Explore over 26,000 gyms and boutique fitness studios with the ability to change locations anytime. You also have access to live virtual classes and social activities within local communities.

Mom’s Meals*

Nutritious food can make a difference in your health. Mom’s Meals provides nutritionally balanced meals directly to your home at a discounted cost.


Disclaimers & things to know

* These programs are not insurance and may be changed or discontinued at any time.

Important Disclaimers

Medicare Supplement insurance is available to those age 65 and older enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B and in some states to those under age 65 eligible for Medicare due to disability or end stage renal disease.

Medicare Supplement insurance plans are not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. government or the federal Medicare program.

Coverage may be limited to Medicare-eligible expenses. Benefits vary by insurance plan and the premium will vary with the amount of benefits selected. Depending on the insurance plan chosen, you may be responsible for deductibles and coinsurance before benefits are payable.

These Supplement policies have exclusions and limitations; please call your insurance agent/producer or Providence for complete details of coverage and costs.

This is a solicitation of insurance. A licensed insurance agent/producer may contact you.



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