Limitations & exclusions
Our plans cover most of your health needs, but there are a few things that are not covered or have a set limit. These are called limitations and exclusions.
Limited covered services
Certain covered services have a coverage maximum for the calendar year. Limitations are set at a day and/or visit amount. Once the plan maximum is met, you will be responsible for costs until a new limitation period begins. The services below are subject to limitations and maximum coverage amounts.
Covered Service | Oregon Plan Maximum | Washington Plan Maximum |
Inpatient Rehabilitation | 30 days per calendar year, 60 days per calendar year for head/spinal injuries* *Limits do not apply to Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services |
30 days per calendar year* *Limits do not apply to Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services |
Inpatient Habilitation | 30 days per calendar year, 60 days per calendar year for head/spinal injuries* *Limits do not apply to Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services |
30 days per calendar year* *Limits do not apply to Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services |
Outpatient Rehabilitation Services | Outpatient rehabilitative services–physical, occupational or speech therapy 30 visits per calendar year* *Limits do not apply to Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services |
Outpatient rehabilitative services–physical, occupational or speech therapy 30 visits per calendar year* *Limits do not apply to Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services |
Outpatient Habilitation | Outpatient rehabilitative services–physical, occupational or speech therapy* 30 visits per calendar year *Limits do not apply to Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services |
Outpatient rehabilitative services–physical, occupational or speech therapy* 30 visits per calendar year *Limits do not apply to Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services |
Skilled Nursing Facility Care | 60 days per calendar year | 60 days per calendar year |
Removable Custom Shoe Orthotics | $200 per calendar year* *Limits do not apply to Providence Standard and Providence Oregon Direct plans. |
$200 per calendar year |
Biofeedback for Specified Diagnosis | 10 visits per lifetime | 10 visits per lifetime |
Our Individual and Family plans have exclusions–or what our plans do not cover. View a complete list of exclusions that apply to all of our plans, as described in our plan contract. Upon enrollment, you will be given a full plan contract with a complete description of your coverage.
In addition to those services listed as not covered in section 4 (also copied below), the following are specifically excluded from coverage under this Contract.
If you have questions about any of these limitations and exclusions, call our Individual and Family plans Sales team at 503-574-5000 or 800-988-0088.
Oregon residents
Some services and supplies are not covered by our plans, and most of these exclusions are listed below in an excerpt from the Providence Standard Signature Network contract. The section numbers correspond to that contract. The full list of exclusions for each plan can be found in the 2024 plan contract.
Washington residents
Some services and supplies are not covered by our plans, and most of these exclusions are listed below in an excerpt from the Providence Columbia contract. The section numbers correspond to that contract. The full list of exclusions for each plan can be found in the 2024 plan contract.
Select the type of exclusion you would like more information about:
General exclusions
Exclusions that apply to provider services
Exclusions that apply to reproductive services
Exclusions that apply to vision services
Exclusions that apply to hearing services
Exclusions that apply to dental services
Exclusions that apply to foot care services
Exclusions that apply to prescription drugs medicines and devices