Nutritious meals through Mom's Meals

With Mom’s Meals you get fully prepared and refrigerated meals, created by a culinary team who focuses on creating seasonal dishes, classic comfort foods, as well as contemporary and seasonal favorites, delivered right to your door.

Post discharge meals

After an inpatient hospital stay, there may be a lot on your mind - where your next meal comes from shouldn’t be one of them. For most plans, Mom's Meals will provide 2 meals per day for 14 days after discharge from an inpatient hospital stay, at no cost to you. For the D-SNP plan, Mom's Meals will provide 2 meals per day for 28 days after discharge from an inpatient hospital stay, at no cost to you. 

Program benefits include:

  • Tailored to support nutrition and dietary preferences to support you and your health
  • Meals are sent in 7 day increments, so you’ll receive your weeks’ worth of meals in one package
  • Available within 30 days of an inpatient hospitalization discharge
  • Delivery available throughout the US

Meal program access

All of our Medicare members also have access to order from Mom’s Meals to support their nutritional health. If you are recovering from an illness or injury, managing a health condition, or are wanting easy to prepare nutritious meals, Mom’s Meals can provide healthy and delicious meal options.

Mom’s meals provides over 70 entrée options, and also offers pureed, gluten free and renal meals. There is a 14 meal minimum and all meals include free shipping. Pricing for members will vary by location. 

For pricing and ordering, please contact Moms’ Meals at 1-877-508-6667 or visit, and receive a discount using promo code: ProvMA.

This is a Providence specific program and is not endorsed by Medicare.

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