Our plans
Our plans are accepted by thousands of doctors. We offer two Medicare Advantage Plan types, Providence Medicare Align Group Plan + Rx (HMO) and Providence Medicare Flex Group Plan + Rx (HMO-POS).
To enroll in a PHIP Medicare Plan, contact PERS directly at 503-224-7377 or 1-800-768-7377.
PHIP EnrollmentPERS Health Insurance Plan (PHIP)
PHIP offers more enhanced benefits than Providence Medicare Advantage Plans sold directly to non-PERS members.
Compare our plans2025 Benefit information
Providence Medicare Align Group Plan + Rx (HMO)
- Summary of Benefits (PDF)
- Evidence of Coverage (PDF)
- Annual Notice of Change (PDF)
Providence Medicare Flex Group Plan + Rx (HMO-POS)
- Summary of Benefits (PDF)
- Evidence of Coverage (PDF)
- Annual Notice of Change (PDF)
Contact PERS directly at 503-224-7377 or toll free 1-800-768-7377 for premium and enrollment information.
Individuals must have both Part A and Part B to enroll. You must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium.
Members of Providence Medicare Align Group Plan + Rx (HMO) must use plan providers except in emergency or urgent care situations or for out-of-area renal dialysis or other services. If you obtain routine care from out-of-network providers neither Medicare nor Providence Medicare Advantage Plans will be responsible for the costs.
It may cost Providence Medicare Flex Group Plan + Rx (HMO-POS) members more to get care from out-of-network providers, except in an emergency or urgent care situation.
Additional resources
- Request to have a printed Evidence of Coverage document mailed to your home
- Request to have a printed Provider and Pharmacy Directory mailed to your home
- Request to have a printed Prescription Drug Formulary mailed to your home
- Medical Appeals, Determination and Grievance Processes
- Plan star rating (PDF)
- Plan star rating - Spanish (PDF)
- Travel benefit summary (PDF)
- PHIP handbook
- Medicare.gov
- Contract information (PDF) This notice states that Providence Medicare Advantage Plans and/or CMS may choose to terminate their contract with each other at any time in the future.
- Privacy Notice
For more information about Providence Medicare Advantage Plans, you may contact the sales team at 503-574-8000 or toll free 1-800-603-2340 (TTY: 711), 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Pacific Time), seven days a week.
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Reach out to us for help. We’re happy to answer your questions or to assist you in finding the resources you need.
Get in touchProvidence Medicare Advantage Plans is an HMO, HMO‐POS and HMO SNP with Medicare and Oregon Health Plan contracts. Enrollment in Providence Medicare Advantage Plans depends on contract renewal.