The Providence Medical Home

As a member of a Providence Choice or Providence Connect plan, you’ll be part of a Providence Medical Home — a primary care clinic that places your needs at the center of every health care experience. A team of health care professionals works closely with you to understand your needs, and together you develop a plan to make the most of your health, your benefits and your health care dollar.

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Your healthcare team

You are part of a care team that has the right medical experts to help take care of your health needs. It may include:

  • Primary care provider
  • Care coordinator
  • Nurse practitioner
  • Registered nurse
  • Physician assistant
  • Medical assistant
  • Social worker
  • Pharmacist
  • Behaviorists
  • Specialists, when needed

Your dedicated team works together to provide you with the best care

  • You are the most important part of the medical home experience. Your voice matters. Working closely with your care team, you'll make decisions about what's best for your health, together.
  • A team of health care professionals will get to know you and your unique health situation. Your care team coordinates your care when you need it. You and your care team focus on prevention, wellness and managing chronic conditions with the goal of improving your health and well-being.
  • Coordinated and connected care are basic components of your experience, so you, your care team and health plan are on the same page. Electronic medical records improve team awareness of your health status without having to re-tell your story. Secure online access to your health information keeps you informed.
  • Navigating the health system can be challenging. Your care team will help you do just that. A member of your care team will help you navigate the health system by coordinating care with other providers, specialists (including referrals) and home healthcare.

Your medical home options

Search the provider directory to see a list of providers in our medical home networks:

Choose your medical home and let us know what medical home you select

To make the most of your Providence Choice or Providence Connect plan benefits, your medical home experience and your health, choose a medical home and be sure to let us know which medical home you’ve selected. The same or a different medical home may be selected for each enrolled member. To designate a medical home:

During enrollment

(i.e., if you do not yet have a member ID number)

After enrollment

(i.e., you may use any of these options as soon as you have your member ID card)

Option 1: Select a medical home online

  • Log in to
  • Under "Providers," choose "Medical Home Selection"
  • Use the search tools to locate the medical home you’d like to choose and click “Set as a Medical Home Clinic.” Select the names of family members* for whom the chosen medical home applies. Repeat this step to choose different medical homes for different family members, if needed. 

*Adults must log into myProvidence separately to select their own medical homes.

Option 2: Complete and return a medical home selection form:

Option 3: Call customer service at 503-574-7500 or 800-878-4445 (TTY: 711).

For many Providence Health Plan members, if you do not communicate your medical home, one will be chosen for you.

If you are a PEBB member enrolled in a Providence Choice plan, you must communicate your medical home selection. One will not be selected for you and you will pay higher out-of-pocket costs for your care.


If you have questions about the Providence Medical Home, contact a Providence Customer Service team member at 503-574-7500 or 800-878-4445 (TTY: 711).

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