Мы позаботимся о вас.

Изучите и сравните планы страхового покрытия медицинских услуг на 2025 год, чтобы выбрать вариант, отвечающий потребностям вашей компании и ваших сотрудников. Просмотреть планы на 2024 год
Заинтересованы в плане, финансируемом работодателем? Перейдите по ссылке.


Offers integrated care from the team at your home clinic

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Cost-saving features tailored to your employees needs

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HSA Qualified

Save pre-tax dollars to pay for future health care expenses

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Option Advantage Base

Affordable coverage and access to our lowest premium

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Option Advantage Plus

Robust coverage with the deductible waived on select services

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Option Advantage Premium

Rich coverage with deductible waived on most services

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Personal Option

Coverage to in-network providers only making many services free of deductibles

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  • Обзор планов страхового покрытия
    • Premium savings making this plan ideal for cost-sensitive employers
    • Care coordinated by a medical home team
    • Ultimate plan design flexibility
    • ExpressCare services are covered in full; deductible waived
    • An annual eye exam from participating providers after a $10 copay (copay only applies to adults)
    • Designation of Medical Home required
    • No referrals required for in-network specialty care
    • Premium savings making this plan ideal for cost-sensitive employers
    • Care coordinated by a medical home team
    • Ultimate plan design flexibility
    • ExpressCare services are covered in full; deductible waived
    • An annual eye exam from participating providers after a $10 copay (copay only applies to adults)
    • Designation of Medical Home required
    • No referrals required for in-network specialty care
    • Live 24/7 customer service
    • Online access to account information anytime–from paying providers to viewing claims
    • Integrated plan setup, enrollment, claims administration and billing so that health plan and member accounts are set up in one convenient place
    • A fully-equipped employer portal for all your contribution and reporting needs
    • Free HealthEquity mobile app gives members on-the-go access to account information
    • An annual eye exam from participating providers after a $10 copay (copay only applies to adults)
    • Lowest premiums of all Option Advantage plans
    • Comprehensive, robust coverage and predictable costs
    • Ultimate plan design flexibility
    • Most benefits subject to the deductible
    • Deductible waived on in-network PCP visits, including Naturopaths, preventative services, ExpressCare, and prescription drugs only.
    • An annual eye exam from participating providers after a $10 copay (copay only applies to adults)
    • Comprehensive, robust coverage and predictable costs
    • Ultimate plan design flexibility
    • Deductible waived on in-network PCP, specialists, urgent care visits, allergy shots and outpatient physical therapy
    • First $500 of in-network lab and X-ray services covered in full; deductible waived
    • ExpressCare services are covered in full; deductible waived
    • An annual eye exam from participating providers after a $10 copay (copay only applies to adults)
    • Comprehensive, robust coverage and predictable costs
    • Ultimate plan design flexibility
    • Deductible waived on in-network PCP, specialists, ER, urgent care, allergy shots, outpatient physical therapy and lab and X-ray, and imaging services (PET, CT, MRI)
    • Deductible waived on in-network delivery, postnatal and routine newborn nursery care; delivery is 10x PCP copay
    • ExpressCare services are covered in full; deductible waived
    • An annual eye exam from participating providers after a $10 copay (copay only applies to adults)
    • Comprehensive, robust coverage
    • Predictable costs
    • Ultimate plan design flexibility
    • Many services are not subject to the deductible
    • Coverage to in-network providers only
    • An annual eye exam from participating providers after a $10 copay (copay only applies to adults)
  • Бесплатное обслуживание внутри сети

    ACA preventive care



    Disease management for chronic conditions

    Health coaching

    ID protection 

    Travel assistance

    ACA preventive care



    Disease management for chronic conditions

    Health coaching

    ID protection

    Travel assistance

    ACA preventive care



    Disease management for chronic conditions

    Health coaching

    ID protection 

    Travel assistance

    ACA preventive care



    Disease management for chronic conditions

    Health coaching

    ID protection 

    Travel assistance

    ACA preventive care



    Disease management for chronic conditions

    Health coaching

    ID protection

    Travel assistance

    ACA preventive care



    Disease management for chronic conditions

    Health coaching

    ID protection 

    Travel assistance

    ACA preventive care



    Disease management for chronic conditions

    Health coaching

    ID protection 

    Travel assistance

  • Варианты обслуживания в сети специалистов

    Choice Networks

    Tailored network medical home model

    No referrals required for in-network specialty care

    Connect Networks

    Tailored network medical home model

    No referrals required for in-network specialty care

    Connect + Signature + Extend PPO Networks

    Options include medical home model and Broad PPO-style network

    No referrals required for in-network specialty care

    Signature + Extend PPO Networks

    Broad PPO-style network

    No referrals required for in-network specialty care

    Signature + Extend PPO Networks

    Broad PPO-style network

    No referrals required for in-network specialty care

    Signature + Extend PPO Networks

    Broad PPO-style network

    No referrals required for in-network specialty care

    Signature + Extend PPO Networks

    Broad PPO-style network

    No referrals required for in-network specialty care

  • Проектирование плана

    Cannot combine in- and out-of-network deductible and out-of-pocket maximum

    Cannot combine in- and out-of-network deductible and out-of-pocket maximum

    Option to combine in- and out-of-network deductible and out-of-pocket maximum

    Option to combine in- and out-of-network deductible and out-of-pocket maximum

    Option to combine in- and out-of-network deductible and out-of-pocket maximum

    Option to combine in- and out-of-network deductible and out-of-pocket maximum

    Rich coverage with deductible waived on most services

  • Пособия плана

    Most services covered before the deductible is met

    Deductible waived for in-network PCP and specialist visits

    Deductible waived for in-network urgent care visits

    Specialist copay differs from PCP copay

    Option to pair plan with an integrated health account

    Most services covered before the deductible is met

    Deductible waived for in-network PCP and specialist visits

    Deductible waived for in-network urgent care visits

    Specialist copay differs from PCP copay

    Option to pair plan with an integrated health account

    Most services covered after the deductible is met

    Deductible applies for in-network PCP and specialist visits

    Deductible applies for in-network urgent care visits

    Specialist coinsurance is the same as the PCP coinsurance

    Option to pair plan with an integrated health account

    Most services covered after the deductible is met

    Deductible is waived for in-network PCP, applies for specialist visits

    Deductible applies for in-network urgent care visits

    Specialist copay can match or differ from PCP copay

    Option to pair plan with an integrated health account

    Most services covered before deductible is met

    Deductible waived for in-network PCP and specialist visits

    Deductible waived for in-network urgent care visits

    Specialist copay can match or differ from PCP copay

    Option to pair plan with an integrated health account

    Most services covered before the deductible is met

    Deductible waived for in-network PCP and specialist visits

    Deductible waived for in-network urgent care visits

    Specialist copay can match or differ from PCP copay

    Option to pair plan with an integrated health account

    Most services covered before the deductible is met

    Deductible waived for in-network PCP and specialist visits

    Deductible waived for in-network urgent care visits

    Specialist copay can match or differ from PCP copay

    Option to pair plan with an integrated health account

Choice – это хорошо. У нас есть достойные вас планы.

Предложение нескольких планов
Планы, финансируемые работодателем
Прочие услуги
Работодатель с более чем 50-ю сотрудниками

Наши планы для больших групп предусматривают интеграцию учетных записей, поддержку сотрудников и максимальную гибкость для компаний.

Запросить коммерческое предложение

Мы предлагаем планы страхового обеспечения, призванные поддержать здоровье ваших сотрудников.


Обеспечьте себе душевное спокойствие благодаря мониторингу, предупреждению и раскрытию мошенничества в рамках программы Assist America Identity Theft Protection.

Тренинги по вопросам здоровья

Консультанты Providence готовы поддержать вас на пути к более здоровой и счастливой жизни.

Travel Assistance

Получите неотложную медицинскую помощь, находясь на расстоянии более 100 миль от дома или за границей, благодаря программе Assist America.

Читать подробнее

Получайте скидки на любимые занятия, от похода в кино до недорогих поездок с уникальными отпускными предложениями.

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One Pass Select™

One Pass Select™ облегчает задачу, предоставляя доступ к общенациональной сети спортивных залов и тренировок по требованию, а также доставку продуктов для здорового питания.

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